

Combined STBC and V-BLAST schemes in distributed wireless communication systems
摘要 在分布式天线分簇放置的单用户分布式无线通信系统中,为了有效地实现下行分集与复用的折中,提出了一种空时分组码(space-time block code,STBC)和垂直分层发送方案(vertical bell-labs layered space time,V-BLAST)的组合方案。在发送端根据反馈的发送相关矩阵的特征值,提出了天线选择和功率、速率分配的方案,使得系统误符号率(symbol error rate,SER)的上界最小。仿真结果表明:不同方案实际SER性能之间的关系和通过SER上界得到的关系完全一致。该方案简化了下行发送方案的设计,适合于实际应用。 A combined space-time block code (STBC) and vertical Belllabs layered space time (V-BLAST) scheme was developed to achieve a good tradeoff between diversity and multiplexing in the downlinks of single user distributed wireless communication systems with grouped antennas. The eigenvalues of the transmit correlation matrix at the transmitter were used for antenna selection with power and rate allocation whih minimizing the upper bound on the symbol error rate (SER). Simulations show that the actual SER performance of the various transmit schemes match well with the theoretical analysis. The scheme can be easily implemented, making it suitable for practical applications.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期36-39,共4页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90204001)
关键词 分布式无线通信系统 空时分组码 分层发送方案 天线选择 功率和速率分配 distributed wireless communication system space-time block code (STBC) vertical bell-labs layered space time (V-BLAST) antenna selection power and rate allocation
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