
移动Ad hoc网络可靠组播协议的比较

Comparison of reliable multicast protocols for mobile Ad hoc network
摘要 移动Ad hoc网络是一个由移动节点通过无线链路组成的拓扑动态变化的自组织网络。随着面向可靠组通信需求的不断增长,Ad hoc网络对可靠组播的支持成为一个重要的研究课题。目前研究人员已经提出了一些Ad hoc网络可靠组播协议,根据修复机制的不同,文章将移动Ad hoc网络可靠组播协议分为基于ARQ、基于Gossip和基于FEC三类做了简要介绍,突出了这些协议的设计原理和设计特点,并分析比较了它们的性能特征和适应性。 Mobile Ad hoc network is a self-organizing, dynamic topology network formed by a set of mobile nodes through wireless links. With increasing popularity and reliability of group-oriented communication, reliable multicast protocol for Ad hoc network becomes an important issue now. In recent years, a number of reliable multicast protocols have been proposed. According to different recovery mechanisms, these reliable multicast protocols for mobile Ad hoc network are classified into three categories in this paper, i.e. ARQ-based, Gossip-based and FEC-based. This paper briefly introduces these protocols and mainly describes their design principles and design features, also analyses and compares their performance and applicability.
出处 《电力系统通信》 2007年第2期53-57,66,共6页 Telecommunications for Electric Power System
关键词 移动AD HOC网络 可靠组播 重传 恢复 Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) reliable muhieast retransmission recovery
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