对甜菜碱型两性表面活性剂BS-12在活性染料净洗中的性能进行了初步探索,对此表面活性剂分别与非离子表面活性剂复配并添加无机盐、无机凝胶后的净洗性能作了进一步的研究.结果表明:BS-12与JFC复配后,净洗效果提高明显.加入无机盐硅酸钠以及无机凝胶SMP或SMF可使净洗后残液的吸光度明显增加,水洗牢度达到4 ̄5级甚至5级,而且织物的色光基本不变.
The performance of BS-12, a betaine amphoteric surfactant, in reactive dye washing was investigated, and its washing properties in compns, with non-ionic surfactants, mineral salts and mineral gels were also studied. The results showed that the washing effect was obviously improved when composed with JFC. The absorbance of the residual liquor from washing increased markedly when mineral silicate and mineral gels SMP or SMF were added. The fabrics showed waterwashing fastness rate 4-5, even 5, and basically no shade change.
Textile Auxiliaries