Objective To study the MRI diagnostic value on cancerof biliary duct. Methods The MRI examination data of 18 patients with cancer of biliary duct proved by operation and pathology were analyed retrospectively, and the manifestations of MRI were reviewed. Results Mass along the biliary duct can be seen in 18 patients. The bilary duct interruption and cholangiectasis also can be seen. The intrahepatic duct showed as soft rattan. 3 patients were ntrahepatic hiliary duct cancer, 10 patients were hepaticportal biliary duct cancer,and 5 patients were extrahepaticbiliary duct cancer. The mass showed as low signal on T1WI and high signal on T2WI. The signal intensity was nonhomogeneous. Gd-DTPA dynamic enhancement scan,there was delayted enhancement in tumor, All patients had cholangiectasis and biliary duct obstrtruction on MRCP. Conclusion MRCP and MRI manifestations of hiliary duct cancer had features, MRCP and MRI examination had high clinic value in diagnosing hihary duct cancer,
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques
Cancer of biliary duct
Magnetic resonance image
Clinic diagnose