The House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress has established a “China Caucus” in response to China’s rise. By examining the reasons why this caucus was formed, its functions, and its members, we can understand Congressional perceptions and policy orientations toward China. Furthermore, by comparing this caucus with the “U.S.-China Working Group” in the House, we can also analyze the internal debates inside Congress on issues related to China’s rise. This paper argues that since its inception, the “China Caucus” has been a loosely organized institution but its members have complicated backgrounds. So far it has emphasized the “uncertainty” of U.S.-China relations, i.e., China can become either a friend or an enemy of the United States. Therefore, its policy advice is tilted toward proposing a “hedging” strategy--a policy of “containment” for the United States. Currently, most members of Congress are worried about the Chinese “threat,” so the caucus pays more attention to “how to contain” rather than “how to cooperate” with China. This pattern of behavior contradicts the original intention, i.e., to “understand China correctly,” of the caucus when it was founded.
World Economics and Politics