
胎兔皮肤无瘢痕愈合相关蛋白的筛选与初步分析 被引量:4

Preliminary screening and analysis of proteins associated with scarless healing of fetal rabbit skin state key laboratory of trauma,burns and combined injury,research institute for traffic medicine
摘要 目的:筛选胎兔皮肤组织无瘢痕愈合相关蛋白,并初步分析其在无瘢痕愈合过程中的作用。方法:建立胎兔背部切割伤模型,运用蛋白质组双向电泳技术筛选胎兔皮肤伤后差异表达的蛋白质,并进行质谱和数据库检索分析。结果:筛选出20个在伤后胎兔皮肤组织中特异高表达的蛋白质点,经过质谱和数据库检索分析后确定:伴侣素或线粒体蛋白P1前体、弹性蛋白(Vi-mentin,Vim)、微管蛋白β多肽、核不均一核糖核蛋白H(异质性胞核核糖核蛋白H)、α-烯醇酶(α-磷酸丙酮酸水合酶)等无瘢痕愈合相关蛋白在胎兔皮肤伤后表达增加。结论:上述无瘢痕愈合相关蛋白可能通过对基因转录和翻译的调控,促进胶原蛋白等的合成和正确的折叠、装配,以及促进细胞的增殖、分化和发育等,促进胎兔皮肤创伤的修复,参与其无瘢痕愈合过程。 Objective To screen and study the proteins associated with scarless healing of skin in fetal rabbits. Methods To establish a scarless healing model of fetal rabbits. Total protein of fetal rabbit skin tissues were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis technique. The proteins associated with scarless healing of skin in fetal rabbits were analyzed by Matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrogram (MALDI-TOF-MS). Results Twenty protein spots were screened. After homology analysis and similarity retrieval, seven protein fragments were identified and they were:chaperonin or mitochondrial protein P1 precursor, Vimentin (Vim), tubulin, beta polypeptide , heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H (hnRNP H), α-enolase. Conclusion The proteins may promote synthesis of collagen protein, normal folding and assemblage, accelerate cell proliferation, differentiation and development, participate and enhance scarless wound healing in rabbits, through regulation of gene transcription and translation.
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2007年第1期11-14,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(G1999054200)
关键词 胎兔 皮肤 无瘢痕愈合 创伤 蛋白质组 基质辅助的激光解析电离/飞行时间质谱 Fetal rabbit skin scarless healing trauma proteome matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of- flight mass spectrogram
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