
两相厌氧消化固体有机废弃物的水解酸化规律 被引量:8

Hydrolysis and acidification profiles analysis in two-stage digestion of organic solid waste
摘要 对两相厌氧固体床反应系统(APS)处理过程中的水解率和酸化率进行了试验与分析。结果表明:对混合废弃物和厨余废弃物进行厌氧消化时,甲烷化反应器对渗滤液中挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的降解率分别为73%和90%,说明有机物转化为VFA更易于被降解;固体床反应器渗滤液中的水解率在消化的第1天分别达到62%和58%,随后逐渐上升,到第4天以后均超过75%并保持稳定;酸化率在消化的第1天分别达到5%和20%,之后逐渐增加至42%和32%,说明水解酸化反应的前12d,水解反应占主导地位置,酸化反应随着消化时间的延长而增强,水解酸化相可以有效地对基质进行水解和酸化,为甲烷化相提供良好基质。APS系统中4个固体床并联使用为甲烷化反应器提供了稳定的基质,同时,利用甲烷化反应器的出水对固体床进行回流冲洗可进一步促进固体床中有机物的分解。 The hydrolysis and acidification profiles wore studied in the digestion of food wastes and mixture waste using a novel two-stage anaorobic digester system. For digestion of mixture wastes and food waste, the VFA destruction rate was 73% and 90% in methanized reactor, respectively. The hydrolysis rate in the leachate from solid-beds was 62% and 58% at the first digestion day, and reached ovor 75% after fourth digestion day and keeps stable. Acidification rate wore 5% and 20% at the first digestion day, and increased gradually to 42% and 32%, respectively. The results indicated that solid-beds provided easily-degradable substrates for methanized reactor, in while, methanized reactors promoted further hydrolysis and acidification in solid-beds through effluent recirculation.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期73-76,共4页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 国家留学基金委资助项目
关键词 两相 厌氧消化 固体废弃物 水解 酸化 two-stage anaorobic digestor solid waste hydrolysis acidification
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