
电针的不同波形对晚孕大鼠血清雌二醇和孕酮含量及其比值影响的研究 被引量:6

Studies on the Influences of Different Waveshapes with Electro-acupuncture on the Content and the Ratio of Blood-serum E_2 and P in Delayed-pregnant Rats
摘要 目的:探讨电针的不同波形对晚孕大鼠血清雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)含量及其比值的影响。取成年Wistar雌性大鼠50只随机分为5组,即正常对照组、妊娠对照组、连续波组、疏密波组、簇形波组。除正常对照组外均用直接造模法造成大鼠妊娠模型。19天后暴露腹腔,自腹主动脉采血,各电针组于针刺后60min后采血。测定血清雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)含量,并计算血清E2/P比值。结果:血清E2含量:连续波组极显著高于正常组、妊娠对照组(P<0.01);簇形波组极显著高于正常组、妊娠对照组(P<0.01);血清P含量:簇形波组显著高于正常对照组(P<0.05),极显著高于连续波组(P<0.01);血清E2/P含量:连续波组极显著高于正常对照组、妊娠对照组(P<0.01),极显著高于簇形波组、疏密波组(P<0.01);簇形波组显著高于正常对照组(P<0.05)。提示:连续波能最佳发挥合谷、三阴交二穴在内分泌及神经反射两方面地促分娩机制。 Objective: to explore the influences of different waveshapes with electro - acupuncture on the content and the ratio of blood -serum estradiol (E2 ) and progesterone (P) in delayed - pregnant rats. Methods: 50 adult female Wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 groups, including normal, controlled group, pregnant controlled group, continuous wave group, loose - dense wave group, clustershape wave group. All rats were made into pregnant model directly except normal controlled group. 19days later blood was taken from abdominal aorta (rats in electro - acupuncture groups were taken blood after 60mins'acupuncture). The content of blood - serum estradiol (E2 ) and progesterone (P) were determined and the ratio of E2 and P was calculated. Results: Content of blood - serum E2 in rats of continuous wave group was extremely significantly higher than that in normal controlled group and pregnant controlled group ( P 〈 0.01). Content of blood -serum E2 in rats of dustershape wave group was extremely significantly higher than that in normal controlled group and pregnant controlled group ( P 〈 0.01 ). Content of blood - serum P in rats of clustershape group was significantly higher than that in normal controlled group ( P 〈 0.05 ), and extremely significantly higher than that in continuous wave group ( P 〈 0.01 ). Ratio of E2 and P in rats of continuous wave group was extremely significantly higher than that in normal controlled group and pregnant controlled group ( P 〈 0.01 ), and extremely significantly higher than that in loose-dense wave group, clustershape wave group ( P 〈0.01 ). Ratio Of E2 and P in rats of clnstershape group was significantly higher than in normal controlled group ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion : Continuous wave in Hegu and Sanyinjiao points can best induce parturition in endocrine and nervous reflex aspect.
作者 杨芳 朱江
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2007年第2期388-389,共2页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 电针 波形 晚孕 雌二醇 孕酮 electro - acupuncture waveshapes delayed - pregnant estradiol ( E2 ) progesterone (P)
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