
侧向长钛钉皮质固定在髁突骨折中的应用 被引量:4

Clinical application of lateral long screws in contex-fixation of sagittal condylar fracture
摘要 目的:探讨侧向长钛钉皮质固定技术治疗髁突矢状骨折的临床疗效。方法:5例(7侧)髁突矢状骨折解剖复位后,用2根侧向长钛钉进行固定,术后6~412个月进行临床和影像学复查。结果:5例(7侧)病例的髁突外形良好,钛钉无松动、脱落,下颌运动和功能满意,开口度3.5~4.0cm,少数伴有关节区疼痛或弹响。结论:侧向长钛钉皮质固定治疗髁突矢状骨折疗效确切,操作简单,并发症少。 PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical effect of latent/long screw contex-fixing on treating sagittal condylar fracture. METHODS: Seven condylar fractures of 5 patients were fixed using 2 latent/long screws. The treatment outcome was followed up clinically and radiographieally for 6 to 12 months. RESULTS: All patients gained favorable results, including good shape of the condyle, accurate reduction and rigid fixation of the fractured segments, and satisfying function of the mandible. Maximum mouth opening ranged between 3.5cm and 4.0cm. Few patients complained of pain or dick of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). CONCLUSIONS: Contex-fixafion using lateral long screws is proved to be a valid and effective method for sagittal condylar fracture.
出处 《中国口腔颌面外科杂志》 CAS 2007年第1期21-23,共3页 China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
基金 广东省科技厅科技计划项目(2002C31307)
关键词 髁突矢状骨折 坚强内固定 解剖复位 Sagittal condylar fracture Rigid internal fixation Anatomical reduction
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