目的探索白内障超声乳化联合1CU可调节人工晶状体(accommodating intraocular lens,AIOL)植入后由匹罗卡品引起的人工晶状体移动幅度。方法对2例(3眼)并发性白内障和20例(27眼)年龄相关性白内障患者施行常规超声乳化术。术中植入1CUAIOL。术后1年,采用Orbscan-Ⅱ眼前节分析仪以及A型超声波测量仪两种设备测量前房深度:在使用1%匹罗卡品滴眼前与滴眼后各分别测量一次。每种仪器前后两次测量的差值即为1CUAIOL在眼内的移动幅度。结果两种仪器测量的1CUAIOL在眼内的移动幅度分别为0.46~1.48mm,平均为(0.72±0.14)mm(Orbscan-Ⅱ眼前节分析仪)以及0.58~1.66mm,平均为(0.84±0.22)mm(A型超声波测量仪)。结论1CUAIOL植入后,可以明确地测定其在眼内的移动幅度;而这个移动幅度大约可以使人眼获得0.5~1.75D的调节力。
Objective To investigate the pilocarpine-induced ravemont amplitude of intracapsular acconmmodating intraocular leases after phacoemulaiticatinn and the implantation of an accommodating IOL in cataract patients. Phacoemulciilcation was perfomed and an intracapsular IOL was implanted in 2 cases (3 eyes) of complicated cataract and 20 cases (27 eyes) of age-related cataract. One year after surgery, anterior chamber depth (ACID was measured by topography (Orhscan- Ⅱ ) and A-scan ultrasonograplay (Sononmd) before and after the application of 1% pilocarpine eye drops. The diiference between the. two measurement values of ACD represented the movement amplitude of the intracapsular IOL.Results The movement anvplitndes were 0.46- 1.48 mm, mean (0.72± 0.14)mm (Orbscan-Ⅱ) and 0.58-1.66mm, meam (0.84±0.22)mm(A-scan).Conclusion The movement amplitude of accommodating intraocular leases (1CU) could be measured and can result in about 0.5- 1.75 D of accommodalive power.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology