

Analysis and Evaluation of the Impacts of Bt Cotton at the Household Level
摘要 在2002~2003年对河北主产棉区农户调查和相关科研、推广人员访谈的基础上,运用农业科学、经济学和社会学等多学科交叉的方法,从转基因抗虫棉应用的技术、经济、社会等多角度对农户采用该技术的应用效果进行了分析。结果表明:转基因技术的应用效果与农户生产行为、认知等存在交互作用,农户表现出规避风险,追求利润最大化的生产行为,但同时也存在生产管理和投入的盲目性;该技术的应用在一定程度上增加了农户来自农业的经营收入,但由于受多方面因素的影响,其在农户的生计系统呈现复杂的技术形态;政府等相关部门应加强转基因作物种子及生产应用过程的管理,并针对我国农户特有的小农户、小规模、多样性和复杂性等特点采取针对性措施,最终以改善农户生计为目的发展转基因作物。 Farmers and extension personnel in the main area of cotton production were interviewed in Hebei Pronvince in the year 2002 and 2003. Our objectives were to see the technical, economic and sociological effects on the application of Bt cotton by analyzing the effects of application of the technique. An integrative method was used in which a muhidisciplinary approach was employed including agricultural science, economics and sociology. The following were our findings and recommendations to develop transgenic crop in China: There were reciprocal actions between the effects of the application of transgenic crops and the farmers' production conducts and cognitions. Farmers tried to avoid risk and pursue the largest profits when they used the technique for Bt cotton, and showed blindness on there investment and management in agricultural production. The income from cotton was the principal source for farmers. Though the application of transgenie cotton increased farmers' income from agricuhure, the transgenic technique was affected by sociology, economic and other factors, it showed complex technique form in the system of the farmers' livelihood. Seeds for transgenic crops and production procedure need to be well-managed according to the application of Bt cotton. Based on the characteristics of farmers in China including small-scale, large-diversity and high-complexity, some pertinent advices were proposed to develop transgcnic crops and eventually to improve the living standard of farmers.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第2期368-370,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 与法国农业研发国际合作中心(CIRAD)合作课题
关键词 转基因作物 应用效果 技术评价 Transgenic crops Application effects Technology evaluation
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