目的:分析眼底荧光血管造影(Fluorescence Fundus Angiography FFA)检查中的不良反应并提出防范措施。方法:20%荧光素钠快速静脉推注(肘前静脉)后边检查边观察患者的反应,作好随时抢救的准备。结果:1273例患者中,共有不良反应41人,占3.2%,其中:恶心反应13人,呕吐16人,荨麻疹5人,喉部不适干咳6人,稍有心慌3人,检查后第2天腹泻1人,皮试后出现心慌不适2人,严重不良反应1人,在门诊等待检查治疗过程中有3例病人晕倒。结论:造影检查虽然安全可靠,但也有严重不良反应的发生,只要观察得当,抢救及时,不良反应会得到控制。
Objective:To analyse have been adverse effect of Fluorescence Fundus Angiography and rist rescued Method:20% fluorescein sodium fastly injected antecubital vein,and then we checked patient and observed patient reaction,get ready to promply salvage. Results:Forty-one patients produced adverse effect in one thousand twenty hundred and seventy-three patients.For instance:thirteen patients have been suffered from sicchasia;sixteen patients have been suffered from vomitus;five patients have been suffered from cnidosis;six patients have been suffered from dry cough;three patients have been suffered from slightly panicky;one patient have been suffered from diarrhea after two days;two patients have been suffered from panicky after cutantest;one patient have been suffered from Severity adverse effect;three patients have been failed into a swoon in the course of waiting for checking and curing. Conclusions:contrast examination is security and reliability,but it have generated adverse effect.If we immediately observed and rescued,adverse effect should been controlled.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University