利用Authorware 6.5制作多媒体课件时经常会遇到对测试成绩进行记录和显示的问题,其方法多种。作者在长期的Authorware 6.5教学工作中对其进行了总结,归纳出利用自定义变量进行测试成绩的记录和显示、利用系统变量进行测试成绩的记录和显示、利用知识对象进行测试成绩的记录和显示等方法。
In the process of making multimedia courseware by using Authorware 6.5 ,it often meets problems of recording and displaying the test results. After many years of teaching, the author summarizes many ways of recording and displaying the test results. The ways are using user- defined variable,system variable and knowledge subject to show and record the test results.
Modern Electronics Technique