
含水率差值法初探 被引量:1

Preliminary Discussion on the Available Pore Space Method
摘要 概述了国内外确定湿润锋面处的有效基质吸力的方法。根据实验数据得知,饱和含水率和初始含水率的差值与湿润锋面处的有效基质吸力Sf为成正比的关系,并在此基础上提出了一种求解Sf值的新方法,即含水率差值法,由实验数据拟合得到二者的关系式。列出了3种土质的含水率差值法关系式,相关系数均接近于1。表明含水率差值法是目前求解Green-Ampt模型入渗湿润锋面处的有效基质吸力简单和准确的一种方法。 The methods of calculating the effective wetting front suction were summarized in this paper. According to the experimental data, the difference between saturated moisture and initial moisture was in proportion to the effective wetting front suction. Based on this, a new method, namely the available pore space method, was put forward and the equation was gotten through fitting the experimental data. Equations for three different soil textures was listed in this paper. All their correlation coefficients were close to 1. This indicated that the available pore space method was a simple and exact method to calculate the effective wetting front suction of Green-Ampt model at present.
出处 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2007年第1期24-26,31,共4页 Water Saving Irrigation
基金 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(E200500286)
关键词 GREEN-AMPT模型 湿润锋面处的有效基质吸力 含水率差值法 Green-Ampt model the effective wetting front suetion the available pore space method
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