

Mutation analysis of a candidate gene for one Chinese BFIC family with a novel locus
摘要 目的:对一个致病基因已定位于1p36.12~1p35.1的BFIC家系进行位置功能候选克隆研究。方法:引物设计应用在线引物设计软件—Primer 3,采取PCR扩增,直接测序的方法进行候选基因ATPIF1的突变分析。序列分析采用DNATAR软件。结果:未发现与疾病表型共分离的致病突变,但其中发现3个已知的多态(IVS1-19a→g,IVS3-69a→g,IVS3-96a→g)。结论:排除ATPIF1为BFIC致病基因的可能。 Objective:We have mapped the benign familial infantile convulsions (BFIC) gene to chromosome 1p36.12-1p35.1 by genome-wide scan and linkage analysis in one Chinese benign familial infantile convulsions family.To identify the gene defect responsible for BFIC,we choose one candidate genes to mutation analysis.Methods:Through looking up bioinformatics,we chose ATPIF1 as candidate gene and uesd primer3 to design its primer.Mutation analysis was carried out by polymerse chain reaction (PCR) and DAN direct sec- quencing.DNA sequence analysis was made by DNAStar software.Results:No disease causative mutation but three polymorphisms (IVS1- 19a→g, IVS3-69a→g, IVS3-96a→g)were identified.Conclusion:The candidate gene was excluded as pathogenic gene for BFIC.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2007年第6期794-795,共2页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
关键词 良性家族性婴儿惊厥 候选基因 突变分析 Benign familial infantile convulsions Candidate genes Mutation analysis
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