
新疆伊宁市城乡原发性高血压患者首次住院状况的差异性分析 被引量:3

Comparison of the difference between urban and rural patients with primary hypertension when they were in hospital for the first time in Yining,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
摘要 目的:探讨新疆伊宁市城镇与农村原发性高血压患者首次住院状况的差异性。方法:回顾性分析2001年1 ̄2005年12月,我科共收治的1431例首次住院的原发性高血压病患者,依据患者住院时的临床症状、血压分级、高血压病知晓状况、服药规律性、以及血管并发症事件的发生状况,逐一列表统计分析。结果:城乡原发性高血压患者在知晓状况方面比值分别为:43.13%vs42.56%(P>0.05),两者服药规律性与坚持服药方面,农村患者显著低于城镇,两者之间的比值分别为:38.04%vs26.29%(P<0.0001),血管总的并发症方面,二者之间的比值分别为:36.75%vs77.49%(P<0.01),农村患者脑血管事件与心力衰竭发生率明显高于城镇。结论:与城镇原发性高血压患者住院状况相比较,农村患者在服药规律性、就诊意识方面显著低于城镇患者,从而导致农村原发性高血压病患者血管事件的发生率明显高于城镇患者,因此,应当正确引导农村原发性高血压患者对本病的重视,减少血管并发症的发生,改善农村原发性高血压患者的生存与生活质量。 Objective:To explore the difference between urban and rural patients with primary hypertension when they were in hospital for the first time in Yining,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.Methods:According to the patients" symptoms, such as clinical representation, blood pressure grade, knowledge of hypertension, antihyper- tension medication dosed regularly and the status when the vascular complication event happened, we made a list and analyzed by statistical methods.The entire statistic retrospectively came from 1 431 patients with primary hypertension when they were in hospital for the first time in our department from January 2001 to December 2005.Results:The urban patients who had learnt about the primary hypertension were 43.13%, and the rural patients were 42.56%(P〉0.05).The urban patients who accounted for 38.04% apparently behaved well on the consciousness of dosing anti-hypertension medication regularly and the insistence of dosing medicine than the rural patients who accounted for 26.29%(P〈0.0001).At the aspect of the situation when the vascular complication event happened, obviously the ratio of the cerebrovaseular and heart failure event in urban was lower than in rural.The urban patients were 36.75% while the rural patients were 77.49% respectively.Conclusion:Compare to the urban patients with primary hypertension when they were in hospital for the first time,the rural patients show poor on the consciousness of dosing anti-hypertension medication regularly and the insistence of dosing medicine than rural patients. It led that the ratio of the cerebrovascular and heart failure event which happened in rural is higher.Therefore,we should help the patients to form a correct cognition about the significance of the disease, and reduce the vascular complication events.We also should increase the number of the patients that cures and improve the quality of living of the patients with primary hypertension.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2007年第01X期20-23,共4页 China Medical Herald
关键词 城乡 原发性高血压 首斑住院状况 差异性 统计学分析 Urban and rural areas Primary hypertension The first in hospital status Difference Statistic analysis
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