Becase of low analytical precision of chlorine stable isotope (>1.0%, ), the study of chlorine stable isotope in geosciences hadn' t made any progress from the beginning of this century to the middle of 1980' s. In 1984 Kaufmann et al built high-precision (0/24%,)analytical method of chlorine stable isotope, and first found the variance of chlorine stable isotope in nature. Analytical precision of chlorine stable isotope has been enhanced since then, one after another, scientists have determined and studied distributional characteristics of chlorine stable isotope in sea waters, hot springs, volcanical lake waters, oil field waters, underground waters, salt lake waters, ice and snow in the Antarctic, liquid inClusion in minerals of the porphyry copper deposits around the Pacific Ocean and Mississippi Valley-type Ph-Zn deposits in United States. The origin and material sources of various waters and deposits were explored in accordance with abovementioned study, in addition, the causes and mechanism of fractionation of chlorine stable isotope in nature were discussed preliminarily.
Journal of Salt Lake Research