The Ecological Footprint (EF) has received considerable attention as a useful indicator in the context of sustainable development. So far, it has mostly been applied as a static indicator. Ecological Footprint analysis method is an important means used to measure regional ecological security by integrating them with other econometric methods. Here, we have developed a set of long-term EF time series indicators to analyze the dynamic equilibrium relationship between regional ecological security and resource utilization efficiency based on the theory and methods of ecological footprint, Augment Dickey and Fuller (ADF) Unit root test and Cointegration analysis of dynamic econometrics. Combining with the change of regional land use, resource environment, population, social and economic development, taking Guangxi Province in Southwest Karst Areas of China as an example, calculates measurement index of ecological footprint, ecological carrying capacity, ecological surplus/loss and ecological pressure for the period 1990 --2003 of Guangxi Province. This paper puts forward the concept of ecological pressure index, and constructs ecological pressure index models, ecological security grading systems and the analytical models of different ecological footprints. What is more, ecological carrying capacity, ecological surplus and ecological security change are also measured. The authors also test and assess the ecological footprint demand of 10000 yuan of GDP ( resource utilization efficiency). Based on index of ecological footprint, ecological carrying capacity and ecological surplus/loss,this paper uses Elliott-Rothenberg-Stock unit root test and Johanson Cointegration test methods of dynamic econometrics to analyze the trending relationship between low efficiency of resource utilization and ecological security index. The results show that:( 1 ) The ecological footprint has quickly increased from 0.6017 hm2 to 1. 1378 hm^2 ,which shows an ascending trend with varying degrees ; (2) The ecological carrying capacity, has decreased from 0. 8204 hm^2 to 0 6537 hm^2, which shows a degressive tendency; ( 3 ) The ecological surplus has increased from 0. 2188 hm^2 to 0. 4841 hm^2, which shows a decreasing tendency and has serious ecological deficit; (4)The ecological pressure index over the period of 1990 --2003 has quickly increased from 0. 7334 to 1. 7406, and the ecological pressure has developed from critical secure state to not secure state which shows the growth extent is huge ; ( 5 ) The trending relationship between low efficiency of resource utilization and ecological security index has a long-run and stationary tendency, which a optimistic development trend would not last as time goes by; (6) The authors think that the relationship between resource utilization efficiency and ecological security and its dynamic development cointegration trend should be taken into account as soon as possible when the government constitutes its ecological and economic policies, and a countermeasure should be taken to adjust the stringent situation in time;(7 )These integrating methods have a good foreground application in the future.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
regional ecological security
resource utilization efficiency
ecological footprint
dynamic equilibrium relationship