
康拉德《序言》形象化的续篇:《故事》 被引量:1

Joseph Conrad's Tale:A Figurative Sequel of His Preface to The Nigger of the "Narcissus"
摘要 著名英国小说家约瑟夫.康拉德一生写下了大量的中、长篇小说,而短篇小说却寥寥无几。《故事》是他最后一篇短篇小说。在分析了《故事》的艺术思想形象以及它与《序言》所表达的基本思想关系,并探讨了《故事》叙事手法包括它多声部现象的基础上,认为《故事》是一则不同寻常的“故事”。它是著名《“水仙”号船上黑水手》的《序言》形象化续篇,又是康拉德在《序言》里所提倡的小说艺术主张的又一次垂范和尝试,它在一定程度上反映了康拉德经典小说作品的艺术特色。 The well- known British novelist Joseph Conrad has written dozens of classic novels or long fictions, but very few short fictions or stories in his literary career. Tale is his last short fiction. However, this short story is an unusual"story", for it is, the writer holds, a figurative sequel of his Preface to The Nigger of the Narcissus. It exemplifies the artistic approaches proposed his Preface, and encompasses most of the features of his works. This paper conducts an analysis on the artistic image of thought created in Tale and traces its connections with the basic ideas embodied in his Preface. Finally, it probes initially into its narrative methods including its multi - voices.
作者 赵海平
出处 《天津外国语学院学报》 2007年第1期63-68,共6页 Journal Of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
关键词 康拉德 《序言》 《故事》 思想形象 叙事艺术 Joseph Conrad Preface Tale artistic image of thought narrative methods
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  • 3"Preface", in Robert Kimbrough ed. , The Nigger of the "Narcissus " : An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Reviews and Criticism ( New York: W. W. Nortons & Company, 1979), p.ix,p.ix.
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