
An efficient proactive RSA scheme for large-scale ad hoc networks 被引量:1

An efficient proactive RSA scheme for large-scale ad hoc networks
摘要 A previous proactive RSA scheme for large-scale ad hoc network has been shown to be faulty. In this paper, we present a new proactive RSA scheme for ad hoc networks, which includes four protocols: the initial key distribution protocol, the share refreshing protocol, the share distribution protocol, and the signature generation protocol. This scheme has two advantages: the building blocks are secure, and the system is efficient. A previous proactive RSA scheme for large-scale ad hoc network has been shown to be faulty. In this paper, we present a new proactive RSA scheme for ad hoc networks, which includes four protocols: the initial key distribution protocol, the share refreshing protocol, the share distribution protocol, and the signature generation protocol. This scheme has two advantages: the building blocks are secure, and the system is efficient.
出处 《Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition)》 CAS 2007年第1期64-67,共4页 上海大学学报(英文版)
基金 Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.60273049)
关键词 ad hoc networks threshold signature proactive secret sharing RSA ad hoc networks, threshold signature, proactive secret sharing, RSA
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