During the past two decades, a significant reform has taken place in the big banks of the developed countries in Europe and America on the profitability mode and income structure, with an increasing rising ratio of noninterest income year by year, which has ranked an increasingly important status in total earnings. Along with the development of the economic financial market in China and the capital market increasingly matured, the intermediary services market of domestic banks will be further enlarged quickly. To solve the outstanding problems hindering the development of intermediary services, it's necessary for the domestic banks in China to seek appropriate market positioning and make scientific layout, with further enlargement of intermediary services product development, innovation and marketing extent, with a gradually enhanced and perfected intermediary services product organization con- struction, strengthening interactive marketing, cross marketing and comprehensive marketing for creating a resultant force of intermediary services, with a further perfection of examination and incentive mechanism for intermediary services, etc.
Journal of Henan College of Financial Management Cadres