
程序公正感及其在绩效评估中的作用 被引量:2

Procedural Justice Perceptions and Its Function in Performance Appraisal
摘要 绩效评估一直是各类组织人力资源管理部门最重要的职能之一,在组织人力资源的开发和管理中具有强大的反馈、控制、激励和开发功能。从总体来说,组织公正感是判断绩效评估有效性的衡量标准之一。而对组织成员个人而言,这种对资源分配过程是否公正的主观感受就是程序公正感。研究程序公正感对正确实施组织绩效评估有重要启示。 As one of the most important functions of the HRM departments in any organization, performance appraisal has the function to reflect, control, stimulate and explore in the development and management of human resource. In general, organizational justice is one criterion to judge the validity of performance appraisal. To individuals, the subjective perception to whether the resource distribution process is fair is procedural justice perception, the study of which will have great enlightenment on the correct implementation of performance appraisal.
作者 马超 吕政宝
出处 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期14-17,共4页 Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 绩效评估 程序公正感 满意感 performance appraisal procedural justice perceptions satisfaction
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