【目的】探讨中学生儿童期虐待的相关因素及对其心理的影响。【方法】采用儿童期虐待问卷、自尊量表和心理健康诊断测验对某市4所中学1 337名中学生进行匿名调查。对儿童期虐待的相关因素、受虐史与心理健康状况的关系进行广义线性回归分析及相关分析。【结果】除情感虐待外,男生CTQ-SF得分均高于女生。单因素结果表明,患有慢性病、厌恶学习、学习成绩下降等、父母期望过高、父母再婚、父母有童年受虐史、曾经历不良生活事件的学生受虐危险性较高;多因素分析显示,学习态度、父母的期望是否过高、性别、学习成绩,是否患慢性病、父母之间的关系、父母是否有童年受虐史及经历不良事件是中学生儿童期虐待影响因素;受虐危险性与焦虑程度呈正相关,与自尊水平呈负相关。【结论】儿童期虐待影响因素较多,对心理健康危害大,应积极进行预防干预。
[Objective] To explore relative factors of childhood abuse and the effects on mental health among high school students. [Methods] A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1 337 high school students with CTQ-SF (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire). They were asked a series of retrospective questions about abuse as a child (under 16 years old),SES(self-esteem scale) and MHT(mental health test) were also applied. Analyze [actors with multi-factors analysis and rank correlation. [Results] Excluding emotional abuse, the score of CTQSF of boys was significantly higher than girls. The results of single factors analysis: the student who has chronic illness, be disgusted with learning, bad academic achievement, parents' expectation was high, parents was remarriage, parents history of being abused and experience of harmful events were more vulnerable to abuse. The results of multi-factors analysis: whether or not had chronic illness, attitude of study, result of study, incomes of family, parent's type of marry, parent's culture level, couple relationship, parents history of being abused and experience of harmful events were affecting factors of childhood abuse, children who were at higher risk of being abused had significantly higher score of MHT and lower score of SES. [Conclusions] There are several factors which influence childhood abuse. Childhood abuse has negative influence on mental health of the victim. It is necessary to launch more study on childhood abuse, and to provide the theoretical foundation for the prevention of childhood abuse.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
high school students
childhood abuse
relative factors
mental effect