应中国循征医学中心邀请,加拿大McMaster大学Gordon Guyatt教授于2006年12月3-7日再度到四川大学华西医院就“如何实施临床研究”举办培训班。Gordon Guyatt是加拿大McMaster大学医学中心临床流行病学和生物统计学教授,从事循证临床实践和研究20余年,1992年以第一作者身份在JAMA杂志上撰文,首次提出循环医学一词,并长期致力于床旁循证实践及对临床医师的系统培训。
Invited by Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Center, Prof. Gordon Guyatt from McMaster University In Canada gave lectures on "How to Do CliniCal Practice Research" in West China Hospital of Sichuan University from Dec, Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Department of Medicine in MeMaster practice for over 20 years, In 1992, he first proposed the term "evidence- bssed medicine" in one of his articles published in JAMA, He is dedicated to systematically training clinicians from all over the world to acquire the basic skills forevidence-based clinical practice.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine