
即刻种植义齿修复发展现状 被引量:1

Current status of immediate implanting false tooth restoration
摘要 经典的牙种植修复需要经历漫长的拔牙创愈合期和种植体骨愈合期。如何缩短临床愈合期、加快种植体骨性结合界面的形成和改建是目前口腔种植学界的研究热点。在确保种植体初期稳定性的前提下,给即刻植入种植体施加生理范围的负荷将不会干扰种植体骨性结合,50~100μm范围的微动不会妨碍种植体骨界面的形成,且即刻加载有促进牙种植体周围骨组织成骨的作用,可用于治疗牙列缺失和牙列缺损的单个或多个牙修复。 The classic dental implant treatment needs a long healing period. Many studies focus on how to shorten the healing time and speed up the process of osseeintegration between the implant and bone. On the premise of initial stability, the osseeintegration would not be affected by the properly immediate loading and micromovement (50 - 100μm). Moreover, the immediate loading can promote the osteegenesis around implants, and can be used to treat the partial or full dentition defects.
出处 《实用医院临床杂志》 2007年第2期27-29,共3页 Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
关键词 牙缺失 种植体 即刻受载 即刻修复 Anodontia Implants Immediate loading Immediate restoration
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