目的:观察星状神经节阻滞(stellate ganglion block,SGB)治疗失眠症的疗效。方法:25例失眠症患者行双侧星状神经节交替阻滞(2%利多卡因5ml+维生素B120.5mg),每日1次,20次为1疗程,采用治疗前后自身对照法。结果:1个疗程后72%的患者能在20mim内入睡;72%的患者睡眠时间持续6h以上;68%的患者对自己睡眠改善评价满意。上述各项指标与治疗前相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:星状神经节阻滞治疗失眠症是一种行之有效的方法。
Objective:To observe the therapeutic effect of stellate ganglion block on patients with insomnia. Methods :Twenty-five patients with insomnia were enrolled in the observation. All cases received stellate ganglion block (SGB) with 2% Lidocaine 5ml and VitB12 0.Smg every day for 20 days. Results:Mter treatment, the average sleeping time of patients increased significantly(P〈0.01 );they were able to fall asleep sooner(P〈0.01 ),and they were more satisfied with sleep than before vatients with insomnia. treatment (P〈0.01).Conclusion:SGB is an effective way to treat patients with insomnia.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College