
开放条件下零售商成长模式分析 被引量:2

Analysis on Growth Model of Retailer In The Open Economy
摘要 企业成长构成一国经济发展和经济繁荣的基础,但传统的经济学一直忽略企业成长理论的研究。在企业成长理论研究被忽视的情况下,对于零售企业的成长分析更是少之又少。在零售业已经基本取消保护和外资零售商大量涌入的情况下,零售企业的成长形势不客乐观。本文将通过对我国当前零售业发展状况的分析探讨开放条件下零售企业的成长模式,并结合我国国情寻求我国零售企业成长的最佳模式。 the growth of enterprise comprises the base of one nation's economy. The traditional economics, even the management, always ignored the research on the theory of enterprise growth. In this circumstance, the research on retailer growth is even scarce. After the protection cancelled according to the WTO agreement and more foreign retailers coming into China, the domestic retailers will experience a miserable process of growth. This article is to study the growth model of retailer in the open economy, and analyze the growth of Chinese retailers. At last, the article will give a best growth model of domestic retailer.
作者 李希刚
出处 《科技信息》 2007年第1期17-17,4,共2页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 零售商 企业成长 成长模式 Retailer Enterprise Growth Growth Model
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