
Rayleigh and Hyper-Rayleigh Scatterings from the Nanometer SnO_2 Particle in Solution 被引量:1

Rayleigh and Hyper-Rayleigh Scatterings from the Nanometer SnO_2 Particle in Solution
摘要 Rayleigh and Hyper-Rayleigh scatterings(HRS) from the nano-particle SnO2 were measured. It is found that as the concentration of the colloidal SnO2 or radiation power increases, the first- and second-order polarizabilities decrease. The radiation power dependencies of the first- and second-order polarizabilities show two domains: in high radiation power domain, the first- and second-order polarizabilities are approximately constant, in low radiation power domain, the first- and second-order polarizabilities increase sharply and become sensitive to the radiation power. The behavior of the concentration dependencies of the first- and second-order polarizabilities of colloidal SnO2 particles is similar to that of the radiation power dependence. A detailed mechanism explaining these phenomena has been discussed. Rayleigh and Hyper-Rayleigh scatterings (HRS) from the nano-particle SnO2 were measured. It is found that as the concentration of the colloidal SnO2 or radiation power increases, the fast- and second-order polarizabilities decrease. The radiation power dependencies of the fast- and second-order polarizabilities show two domains: in high radiation power domain, the first- and second-order polarizabilities are approximately constant, in low radiation power domain, the first- and second-order polarizabilities increase sharply and become sensitive to the radiation power. The behavior of the concentration dependencies of the fast- and second-order polarizabilities of colloidal SnO2 particles is similar to that of the radiation power dependence. A detailed mechanism explaining these phenomena has been discussed.
作者 XU Wei-Xing
出处 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期242-246,共5页 Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
关键词 Hyper-Rayleigh NANOPARTICLE SNO2 Hyper-Rayleigh Nanoparticle SnO2
分类号 O [理学]
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