Lake Abashiri is polluted mainly by biochemical. Using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) and a salt temperature and depth (STD) measuring device, continuous data were collected within a short time in a wide area, where a river bend with a 180 degree of the River Abashiri that flows out from the lake. The measurements included three dimensional flow field and the distribution of density of river water in April and August. In the snow melting season (April) the unilateral flow with fresh water from the lake is dominant, the velocity distribution of the main flow obeys rectangular, and the value of u and v relate to the level of the tide. In the spring tide season, the stratified flow with alternate direction of fresh and salt water is dominant, and the distribution and gradient of the main velocity is deferent with the direction of flow. In the snow melting season, the observed velocity distributions of the main flow and the secondary flow were similar to those of theoretical values. In the spring tide season, the velocity distributions of the secondary flows were different in( 1 ) and( 2 ) : ( 1 ) the direction of second- ary flow in the upper layer differs with that in the lower salt water layer;And (2 ) the intensity of the secondary flow observed in forward and reverse flow is similar to that of calculation. The characteristics of salinity distribution are varied with the condi tion of flow.
Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics