

Testing Linearity for Nonparametric Component of Partially Linear Models
摘要 对于部分线性模型中非参数部分是否为某一特定阶数(记为p)的多项式函数的检验问题,本文基于非参数函数在各点的p阶导函数估计值的样本方差构造了一个简单的检验统计量.给出了计算检验p-值的三阶矩χ2逼近方法.最后通过数值模拟验证了我们所提检验方法的有效性. In the problem of testing whether nonparametric component of a partially linear model is a polynomial of a certain degree (denote p ),we propose in this article a simple test statistic which is based on sample variance of the estimated pth derivative of the nonparametric function at each design point. Three-moment X^2 approximation is employed to derive the p- value of the test. Furthermore,some simulations are conducted to examine the performance of our test procedure and the results are satisfactory.
出处 《应用数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期183-190,共8页 Mathematica Applicata
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10431010),theMOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities(05JJD910001)and Center for Applied Statistics of Renmin University of China
关键词 导函数估计 部分线性模型 Profile最小二乘估计 三阶矩X^2逼近 Derivative estimation Partially linear models Profile least-squares approach Three-moment X^2 approximation
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