
毛泽东理论问题指示平议 被引量:2

My Views on Mao Zedong's Instruction on the Theoretical Issue
摘要 1974年毛泽东关于无产阶级专政理论问题的指示,是其“反修防变”理论与实践的继续和发展。毛泽东指出,中国还存在着变修正主义、复辟资本主义的危险性,这种忧虑是有历史和现实根据的,是富有远见的。他力图从社会主义经济基础和社会制度本身寻找产生这种危险性的原因,其方法科学,思考深刻。但由于对马克思、列宁的论述有误解,其分析和结论存在着片面性和差错。在理论指示中,毛泽东还强调要防止在工人阶级中、机关干部中和党员中发生资产阶级生活作风问题,产生资产阶级分子,其正确性已经被国内和国际的实践证明。在1975年宣传贯彻理论指示的过程中,邓小平同“四人帮”进行了针锋相对的斗争。他指出限制资产阶级法权要有个物质基础,对毛泽东关于限制资产阶级法权思想存在的根本不足作了弥补;他致力于运用理论指示解决反对资产阶级派性、反对无政府主义、反对资产阶级生活作风和思想作风等问题,以实现安定团结和把国民经济搞上去。邓小平的积极引导,可说是对毛泽东的理论指示的一次实践检验。党的第三代领导集体提出“拒腐防变”的历史性课题,是在新的历史条件下对毛泽东“反修防变”理论的批判继承和积极发展。 Mao Zedong's instruction on the theory of proletarian dictatorship in 1974 was the continuation and development of his theory and practice with regard to opposing and preventing revi- sionism.Mao Zedong pointed out that there still existed the danger that China would turn revisionist and capitalism would be restored in China.This anxiety was well-founded historically and realistical- ly and embodied his foresightedness.He employed the scientific method and delved deeply,trying to seek the root cause of this danger in the economic base and social system of socialism itself.Howev- er,his misunderstanding of the expositions by Marx and Lenin led him to one-sided and erroneous analyses and conclusions.In the instruction,Mao Zedong also stressed that measures should be tak- en to forestall the bourgeois style of life in the working class,government functionaries and Party members and the generation of bourgeois elements.Its correctness has been proved in practice in China and abroad.In the process of publicity and implementation of this instruction in 1975,Deng Xiaoping waged a tit-for-tat struggle against the Gang of Four.He pointed out that restriction on bourgeois rights must be premised on material base,thus making up for the fundamental deficiency implicit in Mao Zedong's thinking on restricting bourgeois rights.He dedicated himself to making good use of the instruction against bourgeois factionalism,anarchism,bourgeois style of life and way of thinking in order to bring about stability and unity and invigorate the national economy.Deng Xiaoping's active guidance was a practical test of Mao Zedong's theoretical instruction.The histori- cal topic of“resisting corruption and forestalling degeneration”put forward by the third generation of collective leadership of the Party is a critical inheritance and positive development of Mao Zedong's theory of“opposing and preventing revisionism”under the new historical conditions.
作者 程中原
机构地区 当代中国研究所
出处 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期34-40,共7页 Contemporary China History Studies
关键词 毛泽东 无产阶级专政理论 反修防变 Mao Zedong the theory of proletarian dictatorship to oppose and prevent revisionism
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