
织纹螺毒性与地域相关性研究 被引量:6

Correlation between toxicity of poisonous Nassarius Sp and their habitats
摘要 目的:研究织纹螺体内毒素等、消长规律、毒素类型及织纹螺种类与毒性的关联性等,旨在发现织纹螺毒素及其强弱与地域性是否存在相关性,为制订控制织纹螺中毒提供科学依据。方法:用小鼠生物法测定织纹螺毒性;用ELISA法检测织纹螺STX,用SPSS10.0软件统计、分析数据的相关性。结果:从宁海、北仑、镇海、奉化4地长期监测点采集的127份织纹螺样品,检出毒螺63份,检出率49.6%,织纹螺样品的毒性高峰出现在1991年,低谷发生在1988年,其他年份虽有高低,但波动不算太大。不同栖息地毒螺检出率镇海区为31.43%、北仑区为39.29%、宁海县为73.08%、奉化市为25.00%,有统计学意义差异(2χ=20.18>20χ.01(3)=11.34,P<0.01)。从中毒样品、市场样品与新产螺点3类130份不同来源的织纹螺样品中,检出有毒的织纹螺37份,检出率为28.5%,其中中毒样品毒螺检出率最高,其毒性也最强,与其他样品比较,差异有统计学意义(2χ=86.743,P<0.05)。半褶织纹螺、红带织纹螺、正织纹螺带毒机率较高,且毒性强。结论:宁波市织纹螺各年份总体上保持着一定的毒性,其产生和消除是动态性的,无规律性和可预测性。宁海、北仑、镇海、奉化4地的织纹螺毒性存在差别,说明毒力强弱与地域的环境等因素密切相关。毒素的来源以赤潮等有毒生物为主,也不排除其他因素。毒素的成份除PSP外,还有其他麻痹类毒素存在。本市织纹螺毒性普遍较强,存在严重的食用隐患,应严格禁止食用。 Objective:To study the toxicity in Nassarius Sp body, fluctuation rule, toxin types and the correlation between species of Nassarius Sp and toxicity to discover the relationship between toxicity strength and habitats to aquire the basis for the control of poisonous Nassarius Sp. Methods:The concentration of toxins in Nassarins Sp was determined by mouse hioassay. ELISA was used to measure the STX of Nassarius Sp. Stastical software of SPSS10. 0 was used to analyze the the data. Results:Sixty - three poisonous Nassarius Sp. were identified in 127 samples from 4 inspection spots of Ninghai, Beihn, Zhenghai and Fenghua. The detection rate was 49. 6%. The toxicity of Nassarius Sp. arrived a peak in 1991 and hit rock bottom in 1988. There was little fluctuation found in other years. The detection rates in different areas were 31.43% in Zhenghai, 39.29% in Beihm, 2 73. 08% in Ninghai, and 25.00% in Ninghai. A significant statistical difference existed(χ^2 = 20. 18 〉χ^20.01(3) = 11.34,P 〈 0. 01 ). Thirty - seven poisonous Nassarius Sp. were found in 130 samples from 3 diffemet origins(detection rate:28. 5% ). The highest detection rate was in poisoning samples with significant difference compared with the other origins (χ^2 = 86. 743, P 〈 0. 05). Nassarius semiplicatus, Nassa succincta A. Adams and Niotha livescens were most poinsonons and possess a high toxicity -carrying rate. Conclusion:The Nassarius Sp is poisonous in every year in Ningho. The toxins are produced without orderliness and could not predicted. There is a toxicity difference among four habits of Ninghai, Beilun, Zhenghai and Fenghua, which shows that the strength of toxicity correlated with habits. The toxicity originated most from toxic organisms such as red algae. Toxins are composed of PSP and other kinds of paralytic toxins. The Nassarius Sp should be prohibited from diet for their strong toxicity.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2007年第1期63-67,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
基金 宁波市医学科技项目(200164)
关键词 织纹螺 毒性 地域分布 相关性 研究 Nassarius Sp Toxicity Region distribution Correlation
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