

Yang Xiangkui and the Qing Dynasty Academic History Research
摘要 杨向奎在晚年,用十年时间撰写了总计350万字左右的八卷本《清儒学案新编》,该书具有清代学术思想史和清代学术思想史料选辑的双重作用,由此可窥见清代学术思想发展的渊源及流派。杨向奎赞扬清初学者治学的博大精神,认为他们都具有学究天人,自立门户的特点,可比先秦诸子。杨向奎还重点对纵贯清代二百多年的显学——乾嘉学派进行了深入研究,他高度评价乾嘉学者的学术成果并盛赞其实事求是的治学态度。杨向奎同时认为与乾嘉朴学派之考据并起的,有常州学派之经学,这两派,如双峰对峙、泾渭分流,至清末不衰。 It took Yang Xiangkui ten years to write the 3500,000-word around and eight-volume book- (QINGRU XUEAN) in his late years. This book took on two effects that were Qing dynasty academic ideology history and Qing dynasty academic ideology historical data selections. From this we can peek the origin and genre of Qing dynasty academic ideology's development. Yang Xiangkui praised the learners in early Qing dynasty that they possessed rich spirit in pursuing their studies. In the same time, Yang Xiangkui considered that they all have the characteristics of "researching the relation between the heaven and the people, setting up the school of oneself". In this point they can be compared to the ideologists in pre-Qin dynasty Still Yang Xiangkui thoroughly research the Qianjia school, which ran through the Qing dynasty more than two hundred years. He set a high value on the Qianjia learners'academic harvest, as well, he highly praised their practical and realistic attitude in study. Contemporary, Yang Xiangkui thought there was Changzhou school which appeared along with the Qianjia school. The two schools, which were like two mountains that stand facing each other, or like the Jing River and the Wei River that distributing, went though to the late Qing dynasty and never decline.
作者 武少民
出处 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2007年第1期94-96,F0003,共4页 Journal of Ancient Books Collation and Studies
关键词 杨向奎 清代 学术史 学案 乾嘉学派 常州学派 Yang Xiangkui the Qing Dynasty Academic History Xue'an Qianjia school Changzhou school
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