Objective To evaluate the methods in diagnosis and treatment of patients with pancreatolithiasis. Methods The clinical data of 35 patients with pancreatolithiasis from January 1996 to April 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Results There were 33 patients with persistent left upper quadrant pain, and 25 with epigastrie tenderness. Various image examinations including abdomen ultrasonography, CT scan, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography(MRCP) were performed in 35, 23, 19 and 19 patients, respectively. The pancreatic duct stones were found in 31 of 35 cases(88.57 %) with ultrasonograhy, pancreatic duct dilation in 18 of 23 cases (78. 26%) with CT scan, pancreatic duct stones and dilation in 18 of 19 cases (94.73%) with MRCP, and pancreatic duet stones in 19 of 19 cases(100%) with ERCP. Sixteen patients received surgery, of which pancreatolithotomy plus side to side pancreatojejunostomy in 14 eases (Partington's procedure) and pancreatodudenectomy in 2 cases. The pancreatic duet stones had been suecessfully removed. Endoscopic treatment of the stones, which located in pancreatic head or body, was attempted in 19 cases. The number of stones were less than three and had a diameter of smaller than 1 era. Stones were removed successfully in 1l cases, and pancreatic duet stent were placed in 8 cases. Twenty eight patients were followed up for 1 to 43 months. Within 3 weeks after treatment, symptoms ameliorated with different degree in some patients. Conclusions Once the diagnosis of pancreatolithiasis is made, endoscopic therapy is the first choice. Surgery may have satisfactory results for the most of patients when endoscopy is not available.
Chinese Journal of Digestion
Calculi therapy
Pancreatic duets