
中国首起红火蚁咬伤致死事件调查报告 被引量:22

An investigation on the first human death incident caused by the bite of red imported fire ants
摘要 目的了解东莞市一起输入性红火蚁咬伤后死亡事件的发生情况和红火蚁对当地居民健康的影响,为预防控制红火蚁对健康的危害提供科学依据。方法采用对相关人员的访谈、查看有关资料及统一问卷入户调查的方法。结果调查死者工作和生活过的田寮村59户居民中,至少有1人被蚂蚁咬伤的有48户,占被调查户数的81.4%;在被调查的238名居民中,有77人曾被蚂蚁咬伤,占被调查居民的32.4%。其中男性被咬伤率为30.8%,女性被咬伤率为34.2%。50 ̄、40 ̄及60 ̄岁年龄组被咬伤率最高。被咬伤者多为从事绿化及田间劳动人员,咬伤部位以四肢为主,占84.0%。咬伤后的主要临床表现为局部痒痛、红肿。多数被咬伤者症状较轻,无需就诊。结论此为一起被输入性红火蚁咬伤后发生过敏性休克而引起死亡的事件,该镇红火蚁伤人情况比较普遍,已对当地居民的生产、生活及身体健康造成较大影响。 Objective The investigation was conducted to study a human death incident by the bite of red imported fire ants (RIFA) and to assess the influence of RIFA on local people's health so as to provide the scientific basis of the prevention and control of the damage caused by RIFA. Methods The related people of the incident were interviewed, relative data and documents were reviewed and in-home questionnaire survey was also conducted. Results Among the 59 families in Tianliao Village where the decedent had rived and worked, there were 48 families (81.4%) with at least one person bitten by RIFA; of the 238 residents investigated, 77 (32.4%) were bitten by the RIFA, with 30.8% for men, and 34.2% for women. The 50-, 40- and 60- age group had the highest bitten rate of all. The bitten people were mostly laborer working in the fields and gardens, and the bitten parts of the body were mainly the extremities (84.0%). The main symptoms after bitten were usually local pains, itches, redness or swellings. Most of the bitten had mild symptoms not necessary to see a doctor. Conclusions This was a human death incident caused by the allergic shock due to the biting by RIFA. It was a common situation for local people to be bitten by RIFA, and RIFA have seriously affected local people's health and rives.
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2006年第12期654-656,共3页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 输入性红火蚁 伤害 流行病学调查 red imported fire ant injury epidemiological investigation
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