An implicit assumption in most textbooks is that exchange rates determine the distribution of the gains from trade but not the absolute level of gains from trade. Because exchange rates do not affect relative prices within a country, the pattern of trade and the corresponding gains of trade are also unaffected. The exchange rate does, however, affect the terms of trade and the distribution of gains, but is otherwise neutral. Here we use a simple two-commodity, two-coun- try model with non-convertible currencies to demonstrate that assignment of the gains of trade (measured in domestic currency) depends upon the country initiating trade. If either country can initiate trade, then the gains of trade imply a unique exchange rate. With the introduction of convertibility, the pattern of trade is potentially affected and currency flows may act as a third "transfer" commodity. Since foreign currency has a specific domestic value, it becomes a third commodity within the trade framework and the gains from trade have the potential to increase beyond that which would take place in a simple two-commodity two-country case. Interestingly, with currency convertibility, the implicit rate of exchange from the two-com- modity model is inconsistent with bi-lateral trade. Finally, we believe our simple model demonstrates that there is no exchange rate capable of balancing currency (or transfer commodity) flows and at the same time still preserving convertibility.
China Agricultural Economic Review
Gains of trade, Comparative advantage, Exchange rates, Transfer commodity