Objective: To evaluate the effect of cervical vertebral distraction device in anterior approach decompression of cervical spondyosis, Method: 22 patients with cervical spondylosis were operated on with anterior decompression, fusion with autologous iliac crest bone graft and fixation with cervical spine locking plated. The operation was undertaken with cervical vertebral distraction device. They were followed up with an average time of 15 months. The following information was collected to evaluated the effect of the distraction device: the fusion tate of bone graft, the height of fused segament, cervical spine lordosis and neurological function.Results: All hones grafts were fused with the adjacent vertebrates in 3 -month post-operation with a fusion rate of 100 %. The height of fused segamant and cervical lordosis remained well at last follow- up evaluation. There was no neurological Complication. The average JOA scale increased from 9.5 to 14.6, with an average improving rate of 68 %. Conelesion.. The cervical distraction device is helpful in decompression procedure, improving the fusion of bone graft and maintaining the height of fused segament and cervical lordosis.
Journal of Fuzhou General Hospital
Cervical Spondylosis, Vertebral distraction device
Anterior operation