
甘肃省豹的生存现状调查 被引量:3

Surviving Status of Leopard(Panthera pardus)in Gansu Province
摘要 豹曾广泛分布于甘肃省的陇中、陇东和陇南各地,但历史上大部分有豹分布地区的生境现已明显地不再适宜豹的生存。依据访问调查得到的信息并结合实地考察生境进行综合判断,目前豹存在可能性较大的地区有平凉地区的关山林业总场、张家川县马鹿林场、小陇山林业局张家林场和白水江国家级自然保护区。甘肃省豹濒危的主要原因是栖息地面积退缩,栖息地环境质量恶化,生境破碎化和人为猎捕。鉴于现阶段尚未查清豹的野生种群数量,应对豹及其猎物资源进行野外监测,采取积极有效的措施加强豹栖息地的保护与恢复。 The survival of wild leopard (Panthera pardus ) is being confronted with great danger due to habitats loss, poaching and shortage of food resources. To find out the potential distribution and make rescue plans, the surviving status of leopard in Gansu Province was surveyed. The leopard was once widespread in central, east and south of Gansu, but now its primitive distributions have changed so greatly that it will not fit for leopard's survival. In recent years, any information on leopard has not been found or recorded. No hair, footprint, sleeping trace, claw, dejection and food wreckage trace had been found during the survey. The survey results come out by combining judging of the investigation information such as time, and proof (such as eyewitness, track, livestock lost, etc. ). The most possible distributions include Guanshan Forestry Centre of Pingliang Town, Zhangjia Forestry Centre of Xiaolongshan Forestry Bureau and Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve. This endangered situation of leopard in Gansu mainly caused rapid reduction of habitat area, deterioration of habitat quality, fragmentation of habitats and frequent poaching. To protect and rescue leopard, some measures should be taken to practice. Firstly, further construction of nature reserves will promote the conservation and restoration of habitats. Other things include improving regulations and laws, enforcing punishment on poaching, protecting its habitats and constructing ecological corridors, spreading public education, cooperating communities, doing profound research and monitoring, doing some initial breeding study in captivity and so on. As the amount of wild breed is not clear until now, wild monitoring of leopard should be developed continuously, prey resources also should be under monitoring at the same time. In brief, great efforts should be taken to protect endangered species of wild leopard.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期86-88,共3页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家林业局基金资助 东北林业大学校科研基金资助
关键词 甘肃 生存现状 leopard (Panthera pardus) Gansu surviving status
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