篜lasma levels of ET-1 and 6-keto-PGF1.(a stable metabolite of PGI2) in 89 early neonates (33 healthyneonates and 56 postasphyxia newborns ) were determined by AIR method. The results showed: (1 ) Both theconcentrations in healthy neonates aged 2 days after birth were significantly greater than those in healthyneonates aged 8-9 days of ilfe. (2) both the levels in postasphyxia neonates were remarkably correlated between asphyxia and body damages resulted from asphyxia. There was a homeotasis between PGl2 and ET-1,indicating a feed back autoregular mechanism in vascular endothelial cell secretions. (3) both the cdncentra-tions declined to normal in 8-9 days of life with the recovery of the illness, but plasma levels of ET-l in in-fanTs with severe HIE decreased very slowly, which suggested that the PGl2 and ET-1 be out of balance. ThepaThophysiological roles for ET-1 and PGI2 in the course of perinatal asphyxia were were discussed
The Journal of Neonatology