
介入放射学的机遇:介入技术在生物靶向治疗中的应用与优势 被引量:4

Opportunity of interventional radiology:advantages and application of interventional technique in biological target therapy
摘要 介入技术改变了传统的治疗模式,为一些疾病的治疗带来了契机。随着新世纪生物治疗时代的来临,也为介入医学展示了更为宽阔的用武之地。现阶段生物治疗包括基因治疗、细胞移植治疗、多种大分子物质如细胞因子、肿瘤抗体或疫苗、重组蛋白等生物免疫药物制剂治疗,另外放射性粒子治疗及一些靶向性材料等,均可通过介入手段局部给药。有高度靶向性的介入技术与靶向输送的生物技术的良好结合,具有创伤小、效率高、治疗效果强、系统不良反应相对小的优势。目前各种生物治疗技术正在蓬勃发展,我们应该抓住机遇,拓宽介入放射学的领域。 Interventional techniques not only provide opportunity of treatment for many diseases, but also alter the traditional therapeutic pattern. With the new century of wide application of biological therapies, interventional technique also shows extensive roles. The current biological therapy, including gene therapy, cell transplantation therapy, immunobiologic molecule therapy containing cell factors, tumor antibody or vaccine, recombined proteins, radioactive-particles and targeting materials therapy, can be locally administrated by interventional techniques. The combination of targeting biological therapies and high-targeted interventional technique holds advantages of minimal invasion, accurate delivery, vigorous local effect, and less systemic adverse reactions. Authors believe that the biological therapy may arise a great opportunity for interventional radiology, therefore interventional colleagues should grasp firmly and promptly for the development and extension in this field.
作者 滕皋军 卢勤
出处 《介入放射学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第2期73-74,共2页 Journal of Interventional Radiology
关键词 生物靶向治疗 介入技术 机遇 Biological target therapy Interventional technique Opportunity
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