AIMS To study the relationship between lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and LDH isoenzymes types M&H and biological behavior of gastric cancer. METHODS The activity and distribution of LDH and LDH isoenzymes types M&H in 50 cases of gastric cancer were observed with enzyme cytochemical method. RESULTS Total LDH and M_type LDH in gastric cancer cells were higher than in chief cells, surface epithelium, and pyloric glandular epithelium(P<0 01). There was no significant difference between total LDH and M_type LDH in dysplasia epithlium(P>0 2). H_type LDH in gastric cancer cells was lower than chief cells, parietal cells and dysplastic epithelium(P<0 05). There was no significant difference between H_type LDH in gastric cancer cells and in surface epithlium or pyloric glandular epithlium. LDH isoenzyme pattern in gastric cancer cells was dominated by M_type LDH. There was no association between biological behavior of gastric cancer and the positive rate of LDH isoenzymes except that the positive rate of H_type LDH in differentiated_type gastric cancer cells was higher than that in undifferentiated type gastric cancer cells(P<0 05). CONCLUSIONS Total LDH and M_type LDH in gastric cancer cells are elevated, LDH isoenzyme pattern is dominated by M_type LDH. The increase of M_type LDH is related to the proliferative activity of cells. H_type LDH can be used as an enzymological sign of determining malignant degrees. Dysplasia can be a borderline lesion between normal gastric mucosa and gastric cancer.
stomach neoplasms/enzymology lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes cytochemistry