目的:探讨大豆异黄酮(soybean isoflavones,SI)对去卵巢大鼠肝线粒体抗氧化能力的影响。方法:3月龄SD雌性大鼠随机分为3组,每组10只,假手术对照组和模型组给予去离子水,干预组给予SI提取物,灌胃。于第13w末处死大鼠,电镜观察肝线粒体形态结构变化,氧电极法测定肝线粒体呼吸功能,并测定肝线粒体、胞浆及肝组织匀浆MDA的含量,肝组织匀浆GSH-Px活性。结果:与对照组比较,模型组和干预组大鼠肝线粒体结构和抗氧化功能均有显著下降,与模型组比较,干预组肝线粒体结构较完整,肝线粒体琥珀酸和NADH氧化呼吸链Ⅳ态呼吸速度(R4)显著下降,呼吸控制率(RCR)、磷氧比(P/O)和氧化磷酸化效率(OPR)有明显增加;干预组肝脏线粒体、胞浆及肝组织匀浆MDA含量明显下降或有下降趋势;干预组肝组织匀浆GSH-Px活性明显增强。结论:大豆异黄酮能够提高去卵巢大鼠肝组织的抗氧化能力。
Objective: To investigate the antioxidant effects of soybean isoflavones (SI) on hepatic mitochondria of ovariectomized rats. Methods: After being ovariectomized, the 3-month old rats were divided into 2 groups randomly. Group 1 was supplemented with deionized water and SI group was supplemented with SI solution. The rats were sacrificed at the end of 13 w. The mitochondrial structures were observed by electron microscope. The mitochondrial respiratory functions were assayed with Clark oxygen electrode. The level of MDA and the activity of GSH-Px of hepatic homogenate, cytoplasm and mitochondria were determined. Results: Compared with the control group, the antioxidant ability of ovariectomized rat was decreased. The hepatic mitochondrial structures were damaged in all ovariectomized rats, but alleviated in SI group than that in model group. Compared with the model group, the mitochondrial respiratory functions of SI group in the oxygen electrode, R4 was decreased and RCR and P/O increased significantly; and the level of MDA in the SI group was decreased and the activity of GSH-Px increased. Conclusion: Soybean isoflavone has the antioxidant effects on liver mitochondria in ovariectomized rats.
Acta Nutrimenta Sinica