目的观察乳清酸肉毒碱对CC l4所致的急性化学性肝损伤的保护作用。方法采用CC l4诱导大鼠急性肝损伤模型,将32只健康大鼠随机分为对照组、损伤模型组、乳清酸肉毒碱低剂量和高剂量组四组,每组给予相应的给药方法七天后处死,测定相关的生化指标并观察对肝组织病理学的作用。结果乳清酸肉毒碱对化学性肝损伤的机能和组织学指标均具有恢复作用,高剂量组与损伤模型组比较血清中的谷丙转氨酶(ALT),谷草转氨酶(AST),碱性磷酸酶(ALP),总胆红素(TB il),甘油三酯(TG)明显降低;与损伤模型组比较使肝组织匀浆中SOD、GSH-PX表达增高,MDA表达降低;显著改善肝损伤后的肝功能。结论乳清酸肉毒碱对CC l4诱导的急性化学性肝损伤具有保护作用。
Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the protective of Carnitine - Orotate against Acute CCl4 - Liver Injuries. Methods Adopt the model of acute CCl4 - Liver Injuries induced by abdominal injection. 32 healthy rats were randomly dived into 4 groups : control group ( without liver injury) , model injury group , low dosage of Carnitine - orotate group and high dosage of Carnitine - Orotate group, each administered relevant medications for 7 days and then were killed. The serum biochemical indicators related the hepatic function and hepatatic histopathological of effect were investigated. Result The serum ALT, AST, ALP, TBil, TG in the high dose were significantly lower than the injury model group. The MDA level was singnificanfly lower and the SOD and GSH -PX activity were significantly higher in the high dose than the injury model group. Conclusions Carnitine -orotate posses protective effects on acute CCl4 - Liver Injuries.
Journal of Jinzhou Medical College
Carnitine- orotate
hepatic injury
protective effect
oxygen free ridical