
基于模型参考自适应方法的无速度传感器永磁同步电机控制 被引量:12

Control of Speed Sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on MARS
摘要 从永磁同步电动机的数学模型出发,以电动机转速为可调参数,基于电动机电流模型建立参考模型与可调模型,通过对转速估计自适应律的数学推导,提出了新的基于模型参考自适应的永磁同步电动机无速度传感方法。并根据波波夫超稳定性定理证明了系统稳定性。在MATLAB/Simulink环境下实现了永磁同步电动机基于模型参考自适应的无速度传感系统的仿真,仿真结果表明该无速度传感方法具有较好的动静态效果,可供无速度传感器情况下的永磁同步电机控制系统设计参考。 Starting from the mathematical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM),and taking the rotating speed as the adjustable parameter, the referential and adjustable model is built based on the motor current model. Through the mathematical deduction of serf-adaptation principle of rotating speed, it is proposed the new speed sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motor based on MARS. The system stability is proved by Popov super-stability theory. The simulation of the speed sensorless system based on MARS in MATLAB/Simulink is done. The simulation results show that the speed sensorless method features good dynamic and statistic effect and could be taken for reference of speed sensorless PMSM design.
出处 《机车电传动》 2007年第1期33-36,共4页 Electric Drive for Locomotives
关键词 永磁同步电机 模型参考自适应 无速度传感器 控制系统 permanent magnet synchronous motor MARS speed sensorless control system
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