
对小学数学教师专业化发展问题的思考 被引量:45

Reflection of Specialization Development of Primary School Math Teachers
摘要 数学教师专业化发展问题是教师专业化建设的一个重要组成部分.由于对小学数学教学的特殊性认识不足,加之小学数学教师本身的专业化程度不高,我国小学数学教师专业化发展面临的形势异常严峻;在教师专业化意义下,小学数学教师专业发展有着特定的专业素质结构,这是小学数学教师专业发展的主要内涵与要求;小学数学教师专业化发展,离不开对数学教学问题的执著探求、对数学教育理论的不断学习、对数学课堂教学的反复实践、对数学教学行为的深刻反思. The specialization of math teachers was an important part of teacher specialization construction. Due to inadequate understanding of the specific characteristics of primary school math teaching and the low specialization level of primary school math teachers themselves, the specialization development of primary school math teachers in China was confronted with severe situation. In the sense of teacher specialization, it was the requirement and content for the primary school math teacher specialization to bear specific specialty quality structure, which involved the persistent pursuit of math teaching, the continuous study of math education theories, repeated practice of classroom math teaching and the deep reflection of math teaching behavior.
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2007年第1期93-95,共3页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 湖南省教育科学"十一五"规划课题--初中起点五年制专科学历全科型小学教师培养研究(XJK06BGD006)
关键词 小学数学教师专业化 专业素质结构 专业化发展 primary school math teacher specialization specialty quality structure specialization development
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