Objective To study the impact of medicating ways for hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) on the serum titer of HBsAg and HBsAb in patients with liver transplantation due to HBV-induced end stage liver disease. Methods The patients enrolled were randomized into three groups (i. v group, i. m group and sequential group). HBIG was medicated in different ways during anhepatic phase and the postoperative six days under the combined utilization with Lamivudine. The serum titer of HBsAg and HBsAb were tested daily during the postoperative seven days. Results 1. The serum titer of HBsAg was decreased from postoperative day one in the three groups. The daily average decreasing rate of HBsAg titer in i. v group and sequential group is significantly faster than that in i. m group within the postoperative three days (P〈0. 05). The serum HBsAg titer got down to normal on postoperative day four in i. v group and in sequential group, while it didn't do so until postoperative day six by adding extra HBIG on postoperative day four and day five in i. m group. The serum titer of HBsAg is significantly lower in i. v group and sequential group than that in i. m group within the postoperative five days (P%0. 05). 2. The serum titer of HBsAb increased from the postoperative day one in the three groups. The daily average increasing rate of HBsAb titer in i. v group and sequential group is significantly faster than that in i. m group within the postoperative four days (P〈0. 05). The serum HBsAb titer rose up to effective protecting level (≥500 IU/L) on postoperative day three in i. v group (782. 1 IU/L) and in sequential group (785. 6 IU/L), while it didn't do so until postoperative day six in i. m group (637.9 IU/L) by adding extra HBIG on postoperative day four and day five. The serum titer of HBsAb is significantly higher in i. v group and sequential group than that in i. m group within the postoperative six days (P〈0. 05). Conclusions Based on the combined utilization with lamivudine, both the decreasing rate of serum HBsAg titer and the increasing rate of serum HBsAb titer were significantly faster in patients with HBIG medicated intravenously than that of intramuscularly. The similar results to i. v group could be obtained in sequential group, which was simple and easy to be conducted.
Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery
Liver transplantation
Recurrence of hepatitis B
Hepatitis B immunoglobulin