The beginning and the end of the world is an old unsolved philosophical issue besetting human being. Wang Chuanshas provided a different answer. That is: heaven and earth begin with today and end with today. In other words, the beginning and end of the world occur at present time. This answer in fact has freed the issue of the beginning and end of the world from the world itself, and by restoring it as a human issue, relates it to the existence of human itself so as to interpret the beginning and end of heaven and earth from human perspective. According to this view, human's earthly activities and growing process are regarded as a process of interplay and an invisible communication with the world. Due to the participation of the subject; the beginning and end of the world become a continuing process of the subject revealing being through its own activities.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University
the beginning and end of the world
interplay between man and the world
Wang Chuanshan