
明江南的城市园林——以王世贞的散文为视角 被引量:4

Urban Gardens in the South of the Yangzi River During the Ming Dynasty——From the Perspective of Wang Shizhen's Prose
摘要 在城市生活的动态关系中,文人的私家园林是个人的退隐之所,但同时也是角逐声望的展示对象。园林还是志同道合的士绅们的聚会之处。作为16世纪的文坛领袖之一,同时也作为江南著名的文人家族中的一个成员,王世贞既是一个园林的鉴赏家,也是阐述园林在社会和文化生活中的正确地位的代言人。 In the dynamics of urban life, literati's private garden is a place for retreat as well as an object for show-off in the chase of fame. Gardens are also gathering places for squires of like minds. As the leader of the literary circle in the 16^th century as well as a famous member of a literary family, Wang Shizhen was a garden connoisseur and a spokesperson for expounding the proper position of gardens in social and cultural life.
出处 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2007年第1期49-54,共6页 Journal of Hengyang Normal University
关键词 明朝 园林 王世贞 the Ming Dynasty gardens Wang Shizhen
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