
从国外品牌手机的购买意愿看Fishbein模型的适用性以及文化适应的影响 被引量:24

Applicability of Fishbein Model and Impacts of Acculturation:A Study of Foreign-brand Mobile Phone Buying Intentions
摘要 Fishbein行为倾向模型认为消费者对于购买某种产品或品牌的态度以及从众心理会影响购买意愿,由于是基于西方消费者的产品购买行为发展而来,该模型在不同文化下的适用性一直是学术界关注的问题,外来文化会影响消费者对传统价值观的接受以及对产品品牌的选择,产生文化适应现象。对于中国年轻一代消费者,特别是大学生这个重要的消费群体来说,模型能否有效地解释其国外品牌手机的购买意愿,文化适应是否会影响其购买行为是本研究关注的问题。研究结果显示,模型可以解释大学生消费者对国外品牌手机的购买行为,但是在手机产品上的消费经验会对模型的适用性产生影响,而文化适应性也会直接影响购买意愿。 Fishbein Behavior Intention Model explains and predicts consumers' buying intention based upon two factors: consumers' attitudes toward the buying behavior, and subject norm. Since the model was developed in western culture, its cross-cultural applicability still remains questionable. In addition, previous studies found that cultural adoption has impacts on consumers' beliefs of their traditional values and brand preferences. This paper studies the applicability of Fishbein Model on Chinese young consumers' foreign-brand mobile phone buying intention and the influences of acculturation on brand preferences using college students as a sample. Results show that Fishbein Model can significantly explain the buying intentions, and that acculturation directly influences buying intentions.
作者 张黎
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 2007年第1期30-37,共8页 Journal of Management Science
关键词 Fishbein模型 消费行为 购买倾向 文化适应 产品品牌 Fishbein model consumer behavior buying intention acculturation product brand
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