
关系化——一种识别句子主观性语言实现的形式手段 被引量:16

Relativization as a formal means to identify linguistically realized subjectivity
摘要 本文对比句子的主观性和关系从句的客观性这两个不同的语义特征,总结英、汉语句子主观性的语言实现(如语音调节、情态副词、句法移动、句末语气词等)不能出现在关系从句中的语言事实,并评述Cinque(1999,2004)、Rizzi(1997,2002)和Chomsky(1998,2001)等对主观性相关内容的句法研究。最后在最简方案理论框架下分析携带[-subjectivity]([-主观性])特征的关系从句与携带[+subjectivity]([+主观性])特征的句子之间的句法联系与区别。本文指出,关系化可作为一种识别句子主观性语言实现的形式手段。 This paper sets out to compare the sentence with the relative clause in terms of their semantic features. The former is associated with subjectivity and the latter with objectivity. It has been observed that subjectivity realized by such linguistic means as phonological modifications, modal adverbs, syntactical movement, sentence-final particles can appear in neither Chinese nor English relative clauses. Based on this observation, comments are made on the studies relating to subjectivity in Cinque (1999, 2004), Rizzi (1997, 2002) and Chomsky (1998, 2001). Analyses are then given, within the framework of minimalism, to the syntactic relations and differences between the sentence, which bears a [+subjectivity] feature, and the relative clause, which bears a [-subjectivity] feature. The paper concludes that relativization can be used as a formal means to identify linguistically realized subjectivity.
作者 杨彩梅
机构地区 天津师范大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期1-10,共10页 Modern Foreign Languages
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